
Tuesday 28 October 2014

Rage rages VS The Witches Of The West

Ragerages  chapter 2:

the witches of the west:
people:Rage rages,stringfellow.

but after the party he went out and terror struck kaboom went the sky tower went down
then he heard a witch laugh hahahahaha.then he flew up and saw what was happening
and sed witches of the west then some one flew by woosh write by him so he caught up to him and but he was fighting them but they were gone.and he was all alone then he came over and asked he asked him if he could be his sidekick and he said yes
and my name is stringfellow.  

so they went west to find the witches then struck of lightning came then Ragerages asked for his name and it was stringfellow and the lightning struck again.then the witches came out and struck them both then they got up.stringfellow was tracking them then he found them  Rage rages struck one with laser eye’s then the rest flew away.and got the one  that he struck dna to track them down.

then a few hours later they appeared in a fog of dust hahahahaha then struck stringfellow
with a laser  then disappeared then rage rages took stringfellow to the hospital.

then rage rages went to find  the witches then 3 days after he found them but he did not find 3 he found millions then thy all found him then thy all had a fight then string fellow came out of nowhere with millions of super heroes  Then the herose one The end

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