
Friday, 18 September 2015

cross country

I went up an then I had butter flys i was sceard that i was gonna come last and and then I wen’t to line up and start.and then the clapwent and  I started to run and then i got closer and close and I was nearly there but i was coming last but i just beat three people.but we had to do 2 laps And then I was trying to cach up to the people that wher Just in front of me but I puffed out and so they ran away from me but the peole at the back of me were about to cach up to me so then i started to run.
I was nearly there again closer and closer and closer and so I ran faster and faster to cach up to the peope
in front of me.but I couldent they where to fast. so when they  past the finish line I was onley left with three people at the  back so i came 4th to last.

Friday, 11 September 2015

kiwi kids newz

On kiwi kids new’s some exiting thing’s go on like this man he broke like alot of i phone’s and
he ran over his iphone with a mower how wierd is that thats just a wast of money.And there
is an amazing video to show you what kind of trick you can do at home and it is just with
lqiuid.He made a rainbow out of liquid so cool but wrecking i phone’s isent that’s just a waste of work on all of those i phone’s.

Wouled you wreck i phones for a liveing i wouledent well it is sure fun to wach it but not to the people that made them the money he gets from us gone to waste of time on those phones. People are look ing for I phones they do cost alot and when there is no mare i phones you wouled still break them but who dose break phones thas just a waste of our oney we gave you.

What you can do with liquad is so cool you can make a liquad rainbow like the photo you can
stick pencial’s in a glad bag no water is pouring out so magical.You shouled wach some of these clips and se if you like it it’s so fun I like it breaking i phones isent bad thoe it is cool if you wach it.